Earlier this year the American Bible Society released a survey with the
above title. The survey questioned individuals about the apparent moral decline
of America and the Bible. It seems that many people feel there is a "disconnect"
between the Bible and problems of society. Most people still own a Bible (88%)
and view the Bible as a sacred text (80%). Yet, the nagging concern of many is
that they do not see the Bible as relevant to their needs today. One telling
question in this survey answers why there exists this disconnect between the
Bible and day to day life. The question was "How many read the Bible on a day to
day basis?" The answer?
"Only 26 percent of Americans said they read their Bible on a regular
basis (four or more times a week)."
Doug Birdsall, president of American Bible Society, said he sees a
reason for why the Bible isn’t connecting with people. I see the problem as
analogous to obesity in America. We have an awful lot of people who realize
they’re overweight, but they don’t follow a diet, Birdsall said. People realize
the Bible has values that would help us in our spiritual health, but they just
don't read it.
Christian, this is where you and I come in. While it is no secret that most people do not read the Bible it is at the same time true that people will "read" the message of the Bible you and I show them. What kind of message are we sending them? Do we show with our lives that God's book does indeed change us for the better? The power of the gospel must be seen in every aspect of our lives, our speech is different, our morality has improved, our concern for our fellow man is obvious. As the world sees what the
Word has done for you and I - perhaps they will want it for their self. -- Dan
above title. The survey questioned individuals about the apparent moral decline
of America and the Bible. It seems that many people feel there is a "disconnect"
between the Bible and problems of society. Most people still own a Bible (88%)
and view the Bible as a sacred text (80%). Yet, the nagging concern of many is
that they do not see the Bible as relevant to their needs today. One telling
question in this survey answers why there exists this disconnect between the
Bible and day to day life. The question was "How many read the Bible on a day to
day basis?" The answer?
"Only 26 percent of Americans said they read their Bible on a regular
basis (four or more times a week)."
Doug Birdsall, president of American Bible Society, said he sees a
reason for why the Bible isn’t connecting with people. I see the problem as
analogous to obesity in America. We have an awful lot of people who realize
they’re overweight, but they don’t follow a diet, Birdsall said. People realize
the Bible has values that would help us in our spiritual health, but they just
don't read it.
Christian, this is where you and I come in. While it is no secret that most people do not read the Bible it is at the same time true that people will "read" the message of the Bible you and I show them. What kind of message are we sending them? Do we show with our lives that God's book does indeed change us for the better? The power of the gospel must be seen in every aspect of our lives, our speech is different, our morality has improved, our concern for our fellow man is obvious. As the world sees what the
Word has done for you and I - perhaps they will want it for their self. -- Dan